November 2021 Basho--DAY 14--NOVEMBER 27, 2021
November (Kyushu) Basho
Day 14--November 27, 2021
Day 15 Schedule (Sumo Reference)
Day 14 Recap and statistics
Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho (Tournament). After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches. Note that "highlights" means complete full match video of all daily Makuuchi matches.
NHK match highlights (condensed, all matches in their entirety, the highlights are 27 minutes long).
JSA Youtube offers selected full matches on its Youtube and Website channel. They are usually Makuuchi (Top Division) bouts, but sometimes there are Juryo (2nd Division) bouts as well.
Chiyomaru, one of 6 Rikishi (wrestlers) who saved a chance at Kachi-koshi (winning record) today.
Terunofuji (Y1e) wrapped up his 2nd consecutive Yusho with a day to spare with an Oshitaoshi (Frontal Push Down) win over Abi (M15e) after a 6.7 second battle. He resisted Abi's first pushing attack and blocked the Maegashira (Rank and Filer) with one of his bad knees, forcing Abi off balance. From there it was a matter of time before the end came. The Yokozuna clinched his 2nd consecutive Yusho (championship) at the beginning of his Yokozuna career. The last time that was achieved was by 48th Yokozuna Taiho in 1961-62.
Terunofuji also finished the calendar year at 77-13, far and away the most wins in the Top Division this year. He also has an 18 match winning streak going into the beginning of next year.
As far as most wins in a year, 69th Yokozuna Hakuho holds that record with 86-4 in 2009 and 2010. Terunofuji has a long way to go to reach 35th Yokozuna Futabayama's career record 69 wins in succession (January 1936-January 1939) (that streak was stopped by the way, during his 3rd Yokozuna Basho, after he won his first two). The last Yokozuna to win his first three Yokozuna Basho was 27th Yokozuna Tochigiyama (May 1918 to May 1919). The latter two milestones occurred at a time when only two Basho a year were contested.
Tomorrow, the following "Darwin" bouts will be contested. These all involve Rikishi who are 7-7. A win means Kachi-koshi and promotion. A loss means Make-koshi and demotion.
Wakatakakage (M1w) 7-7 v Tobizaru (M8w) 7-7
There were 9 Kimarite (finishing moves) used today. For the Basho, there have now been 29. After 14 Days in September there were 27.
Fighting time through 14 Days is 57 minutes, 52.8 seconds (279 matches at an average of 12.4 seconds). At the same juncture in September the numbers were 55 minutes, 31.1 seconds (264 matches at an average of 12.6 seconds).
The Maegashira lost the Day to the san'yaku (Top Rankers) 2-3. Through 14 Days they are now 2-12. Their cumulative record is 21-45 (.318). At the same juncture in September they were 6-6-2 with a cumulative record of 25-40 (.385)
Quotable: (Chris Sumo Youtube)
"The key thing I learned when falling to Division 5 (Jonidan) is how to manage yourself mentally each day. So for each and every daily bout I put everything into meeting my opponents head on. Today I had to extend myself a bit to stop his advance. That's what I consciously tried."
Terunofuji (Y1e) (14-0) after his victory over Abi (M15w) (12-2) clinched his 2nd consecutive Yusho (championship) at the beginning of his Yokozuna career.
"The Yokozuna showed me my weakness and I just have to train harder."
"It's taken me seven years to get here because I'm weak. And it's been tough watching guys I graduated with getting so far ahead. But my colleague Hidenoumi's (M9w) words: 'I'm getting back to Division 1 so you go for Division 2', inspired me.
Shiba (Ms2w) (Makushita--Division 3--no salary), after his victory over Yago (J10e--Juryo substitute) (4-10) gave him a 5-2 score and promotion to Juryo (2nd Division-salary). He worked for that goal in Makushita for 42 Basho--294 bouts. He reached Ms2 rank three times and each time fell back after a losing score. He has missed 8 bouts (7 in one Basho) of his 315 assigned bouts in his career. He will participate in his first salaried bout in January, at age 30.
Condensed results (20 matches):
Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move; Rank; Loser; Basho Record
Day 14 Condensed results
Partial or complete absences from this Basho
M10w---Asanoyama (0-0-15)
M13w--Tochinoshin (6-5-3) (including 1 forfeit loss)
23.5s M17e Kaisei (7-7) oshidashi M14w Chiyonokuni (8-6)
18.7s M13w Tochinoshin (6-5-3) yorikiri M11e Kotonowaka (6-8)
04.5s M11w Terutsuyoshi (6-8) shitatenage M16e Akua (8-6)
25.3s M10e Chiyotairyu (6-8) tsukidashi M17w Shohozan (3-11)
07.0s M15e Chiyomaru (7-7) hatakikomi M9e Aoiyama (4-10)
08.6s M8w Tobizaru (7-7) hikiotoshi M16w Sadanoumi (8-6)
08.7s M7w Chiyoshoma (8-6) uwatenage M13e Yutakayama (6-8)
06.6s M14e Kagayaki (4-10) tsukidashi M6e Shimanoumi (5-9)
07.5s M4e Takarafuji (5-9) oshidashi M8e Kotoeko (3-11)
09.8s M12e Ishiura (7-7) yorikiri M3e Okinoumi (6-8)
01.5s M2e Onosho (5-9) hatakikomi M3w Myogiryu (2-12)
14.9s M2w Takanosho (10-4) yorikiri M9w Hidenoumi (8-6)
02.3s M1e Daieisho (7-7) tsukiotoshi M5e Takayasu (5-9)
04.3s M1w Wakatakakage (7-7) yorikiri M4w Endo (7-7)
25.2s M12w Hokutofuji (10-4) tsukiotoshi K1e Ichinojo (5-9)
49.8s M5w Hoshoryu (6-8) yorikiri K1w Kiribayama (5-9)
03.6s S1e Mitakeumi (10-4) hatakikomi M6w Tamawashi (9-5)
03.7s S1w Meisei (6-8) oshidashi M7e Ura (10-4)
04.1s O1w Takakeisho (12-2) tsukidashi O1e Shodai (9-5)
06.7s Y1e Terunofuji (14-0) oshitaoshi M15w Abi (12-2)
Finishing Moves (20 matches--280 total) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique.
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri).................5(66)
Slap Down (Hatakikomi).......................3(26)
Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi).................3(65)
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)..............3(18)
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi)....................2(21)
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)..................1(13)
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi)...............1(6)
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage)................1(5)
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage)...................1(6)
Totals for Basho
Rear Push Out (Okuridashi)...................10
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi)...............7
Under Shoulder Swing Down (Katasukashi)......5
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)......5
Arm Barring Force Out (Kimedashi)............2
Arm Lock Throw (Kotenage)....................2