September 2021 Basho--DAY 4--SEPTEMBER 15
September 2021 (Aki) Basho
DAY 4--September 15, 2021
Video: Note: NHK videos will be available on demand until 2 weeks after the end of the Basho. After that, they will be removed from the site. They are usually available for on demand viewing about 1 day after the matches. Note that "highlights" means complete full match video of all daily Makuuchi matches.
Day 4 Video highlights (replays of all 20 matches--NHK) (27:00)
There is no Chris Sumo Youtube today.
Japanese Sumo Association Youtube
JSA Youtube has offered 2 full matches on its Youtube channel. Hopefully they will do this every day. It is a live feed, no commentary, but it gives another perspective on these matches.
1. Terunofuji (Y1w) v Hakutofuji (M2e) (Terunofuji is on the right)
2. Ura (M6e) v Chiyoshoma (M5e) (Ura is on the right) coverage of the Jonokuchi (Division 6--non salaried, lowest division) Basho. Note: The Japan Sumo Association links to all Jonokuchi Rikishi in its daily accounting of the Basho. (Under Banzuke, arrow to Jonokuchi)
Jonokuchi Match Day 2 (consisting of Day 3 and Day 4 matches) Today's report features video of nine matches. More information about all Rikishi discussed in the report is available at the above Jonokuchi Rikishi link. One to watch might be Kato (Jk10e) who is just beginning his career at the age of 15. He is 3-13 after today's loss, and so is light years behind the pace of recently retired Shonanzakura, who's record at the time of his third win was 3-134-1. But he is the heir apparent, according to the report.
Terunofuji (Y1e) won again today, and now co-leads the Basho with a 4-0 record. He is joined at the top of the leader board by surprising Kiribayama (M2w), who has won all of his bouts against san'yaku (Top Rank) opponents. The two meet on Day 5. Chiyonokuni (M17e) and Myogiryu (M10w) are the only other Rikishi that are still undefeated. Myogiryu, from M4w, began the March Basho with 5 consecutive wins, but followed that with 7 consecutive losses on his way to a 7-8 Make-koshi (losing record). It will be interesting to see if he has better luck from the lower Banzuke position.
Ozeki Takakeisho (O1w) finally got his Basho going with a win over Hoshoryu (M1e). Shodai (O1w) improved to 3-1 with a win over Takanosho (M1w).
Chiyonokuni kept his record spotless with a forfeit win over Tsurugisho (M13w) (1-3). The loser missed the bout with a temperature of 40 degrees celsius (104 f). Hopefully he is not suffering from Covid.
A Juryo substitute finally broke through with a win as Kyokutaisei (J2w) defeated Chiyonoo (M15w). It was Kyokutaisei's first win.
And Maegashira (Rank and Filers) continued to come back to Earth against san'yaku (Top Rankers). For the second day in a row, they were 1-4 against their betters, and what was an 8-2 record has returned to the mean at 10-10.
Partial or complete absences from this Basho
Y1e---Hakuho (0-0-15)
S2e---Asanoyama (0-0-15)
M12e--Ishiura (0-0-15)
Condensed results (20 matches)
Key: Time of Match--s=seconds; Rank; Winner; Basho Record; Finishing Move; Rank; Loser; Basho Record
Day 4 Condensed results
27.2s J2w Kyokutaisei (1-3) yorikiri M15w Chiyonoo (2-2)
09.8s M14e Kaisei (2-2) oshidashi M16w Tokushoryu (1-3)
05.9s M14w Yutakayama (2-2) oshidashi M15e Ichiyamamoto (1-3)
----- M17e Chiyonokuni (4-0) fusen M13w Tsurugisho (1-3)
02.4s M11e Endo (3-1) hatakikomi M13e Kagayaki (2-2)
07.9s M11w Kotoeko (2-2) tsukidashi M16e Chiyomaru (3-1)
04.0s M10w Myogiryu (4-0) oshidashi M12w Tochinoshin (1-3)
03.4s M9e Aoiyama (1-3) oshidashi M10e Chiyotairyu (1-3)
06.0s M8e Okinoumi (3-1) yoritaoshi M9w Hidenoumi (1-3)
11.1s M7e Shimanoumi (2-2) uwatedashinage M8w Tobizaru (3-1)
03.5s M7w Terutsuyoshi (2-2) hatakikomi M6w Onosho (3-1)
08.3s M6e Ura (1-3) oshidashi M5e Chiyoshoma (0-4)
12.0s M4w Daieisho (3-1) hatakikomi M5w Takarafuji (2-2)
01.3s M3e Wakatakakage (3-1) hatakikomi M4e Tamawashi (2-2)
70.0s M2w Kiribayama (4-0) yorikiri K1w Ichinojo (1-3)
04.4s S1e Mitakeumi (3-1) hikiotoshi K1e Takayasu (0-4)
25.4s S1w Meisei (2-2) shitatedashinage M3w Kotonowaka (2-2)
03.4s O1e Shodai (3-1) tsukiotoshi M1w Takanosho (1-3)
12.2s O1w Takakeisho (1-3) tsukiotoshi M1e Hoshoryu (1-3)
11.3s Y1w Terunofuji (4-0) hikiotoshi M2e Hokutofuji (2-2)
Source: Sumo Reference (text results) and length of bouts data (see result sources below)
Finishing Moves (20 matches--79 total) Note: finishing move links below link to short NHK videos demonstrating the technique.
Frontal Push Out (Oshidashi)..............5(23)
Slap Down (Hatakikomi)....................4(10)
Hand Pull Down (Hikiotoshi)...............2(6)
Thrust Down (Tsukiotoshi).................2(7)
Frontal Force Out (Yorikiri)..............2(13)
Pulling Under Arm Throw (Shitadedashinage)1(1)
Frontal Thrust Out (Tsukidashi)...........1(3)
Pulling Over Arm Throw (Uwatedashinage)...1(4)
Frontal Crush Out (Yoritaoshi)............1(4)
Fusen (forfeit)...........................1(1)
Totals for Basho
Frontal Push Down (Oshitaoshi)............3
Under Arm Throw (Shitatenage).............2
Over Arm Throw (Uwatenage)................2